• Register Your Business as a Legal Entity
  • Secure Your Federal EIN (Employee Identification Number)
  • Register Your Entity as a:
  • DBA (Assumed Name in Your County of Residence)
  • File Your LLC, LLP or Corp within the State that you Reside
  • Register Your Business with Duns & Bradstreet
  • Maintain BOIR Filing
  • Educate on how to build Business Credit in as Little as 30 days
  • IRS Certified Electronic Remittance Officer (ERO)
  • In-depth knowledge of applicable tax laws, regulations and deadlines
  • Proficient with the tax return submission and confirmation process, including how to navigate the IRS and other government entity online platforms
  • Excellent customer service skills, including patience and flexibility
  • Great organizational skills, including time management and strategic thinking
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Keen attention to detail


My husband Frank and I are so pleased with Magnificents Financial Services. Ms. Felecia Richard helped us to do our Tax Declarations and we wish we could know her many years ago because she is amazing and looked the best way to do our taxes. She also helped us to register our LLC. Thanks so much Ms. Felecia and all the staff. For sure we will keep doing this with you guys from now on. We Recommend them 100%

Daniela Marcano

When I say the best… I mean the ABSOLUTE BEST! Ms. Felecia is really awesome at what she does and her communication is top notch. If you are in need of your taxes being prepared or your credit repaired without worry she’s definitely the person to call.

Sade Kelly


 Ms. Richard is absolutely brilliant. My last tax professional made careless and novice mistakes. I was audited 3 years in a row and owed money back each year due to errors on their part. Ms. Richard is professional, thorough, polished and is an expert in everything tax related. She educated and enlightened me and my family as well as gave me pointers on how to leverage my business.

Stefan Skinner

I have worked with Felecia some years now and every time she is thorough and efficient. I am always satisfied with her service and care. On top of her taking care of my financial needs I also reached out to her for advice on a problem that my mom had with a irs notice. Felecia was so invested in helping her even with my mom not being a client of hers. She was able to get us answers and solutions in days. My mother had been dealing with this issue for over a year and was so thankful that she had found help. My mom is now her customer. Not only is Felecia a sweet, caring person but she is also very knowledgeable in her work.

Yesenia Nunez