- Register Your Business as a Legal Entity
- Secure Your Federal EIN (Employee Identification Number)
- Register Your Entity as a:
- DBA (Assumed Name in Your County of Residence)
- File Your LLC, LLP or Corp within the State that you Reside
- Register Your Business with Duns & Bradstreet
- Maintain BOIR Filing
- Educate on how to build Business Credit in as Little as 30 days
- IRS Certified Electronic Remittance Officer (ERO)
- In-depth knowledge of applicable tax laws, regulations and deadlines
- Proficient with the tax return submission and confirmation process, including how to navigate the IRS and other government entity online platforms
- Excellent customer service skills, including patience and flexibility
- Great organizational skills, including time management and strategic thinking
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Keen attention to detail